As a registered member, you can perform a search and recommend (yes or no) a site that you’ve checked out. iRazoo aggregates search data from the top engines and provides a thumbnail preview image of each result. Once you click on a search result, the webpage will be pulled up within an iRazoo iFrame. This is where you choose whether or not you recommend the site, and can leave a comment as well. Any recommended sites will appear above the regular search results when you perform a search, along with any comments a user has left. You can also browse through the recommended sites, though it doesn’t appear as though you can do a specifi search within recommended sites just yet.
iRazoo seems a very concerned with encouraging site activity, as you earn reward points for performing searches and commenting on sites. These points can be exchanged for merchandise such as an iTunes gift card or a digital camera. You can “shop” through prizes and add them to your wish list, reminding you that you’re working towards a goal in using iRazoo’s search engine. You can also add an iRazoo banner to your website, or install the search plugin into your browser toolbar. With your iRazoo account, you can keep track of your prizes as well as your recommended sites. While you can see sites that have been recommended, along with the number of users that have recommended it, you cannot see the username, or view others’ accounts.